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الله يهديك اخوي :)
هذي قوالب اجنبيه جاهزه وجاي تبيعها ع المسلمين أخوانك :) موفق .. ويعطيك العافيه |
تصاميم سهلة جداا وببرنامج معروف
What if I Don't Want Father to Walk Me Down the Aisle
What if I Don't Want Father to Walk Me Down the Aisle---Cheap Wedding GownsQ:My parents have been separated and divorced ever since I can remember. My father left my mother and did not contribute anything, either financially or emotionally, to my or my brother's life while we were growing up. Needless to say, under no circumstances do I want to give him the honor of walking me down the wedding aisle. I've voiced this, and I'm getting nothing but grief from people. It's making me dread the day. What's the proper thing to do? A: Go with your gut. It sounds like you know what you want to do -- and it's not walking with your dad. Don't worry about what other people say (yes, easier said than done). You don't want to be miserable, walking down the aisle with this man you feel did nothing to support you just to placate your guests. Of course, if it's possible for you and your father to talk and come to some sort of understanding before the wedding, perhaps you'll change your mind. But if you're not ready for that talk, don't feel you have to have it just to make everything okay in time for the big day. Remember, it's your wedding day, and you have a right to feel comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable walking down the aisle solo, consider having your mom escort you.From Best And Cheap Wedding Gowns
تصاميم أفضل راسلوني على mohamdko@hotmail.com
:rolleyes:بالتوفيق اخى الفاضل
بالتوفيق للجميع
جميع الأوقات بتوقيت مكة المكرمة. الساعة الآن » 03:14 AM. |
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